Friday, April 29, 2011

Mr. Scull's Animals!

Newsletter - April 29, 2011

Dear Parents,
Today in chapel, Pastor Hoff talked about finishing the race (year) strong. We are almost at the end of the year, but we're not there yet. We still have lots to learn so we will continue working hard as we enjoy our last 18 days together as a first grade family.
This week we finished up our reading unit called "Being Afraid". We practiced reading strategies like, monitoring and clarifying, predicting, and drawing conclusions. We spend time every day reading independently. It has been so fun to see the love for reading continue to develop in your children. In science, we learned about how the Earth rotates (spins) to cause day and night and how it revolves around the sun to create seasons. In writing we wrote sweet stories about our moms which you will get to see on Thursday!
This afternoon Mr. Scull came in to share some animals with the class. There is a good chance your child touched or held a tarantula, a scorpion, a giant frog, two different kinds of snakes and an alligator. I hope you hear all about it. What a great way to end our week!

Today in chapel we announced to the students that we will be sending a truck with supplies to Birmingham, Alabama to help with relief from the storms. If you would like to donate items, they need only: bottles of water, flashlights/batteries, chain saws, and portable generators.

Here are some upcoming dates and reminders:

Muffins With Mom - Thursday, May 5 from 8:15-9:00 in our classroom. Remember, if you can't make it, feel free to send another family member or friend.

Track Attack - This Monday, May 2nd we will be walking around the track to help raise money for our new track! Make sure your child wears sneakers to school. If you didn't send in labels for your child, you still can. Even if it is just a few, it is a great way to show your support for the school!

Field Day/Movie Day - Friday, May 20th we will have field day in the morning and our reading incentive movie day in the afternoon. You will need to send your child to school wearing sunscreen and water clothes. After lunch we'll change into our comfy pajamas to watch a movie in the afternoon. This will be a fun day! More details will be in next week's Friday Folder!

Last Day of School - Thursday, May 26th, we will have a breakfast and awards ceremony in our classroom.

The secret word is "flowers."

Have a wonderful weekend!

Dawn Newland

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy Easter!!!!

Newsletter - April 22, 2011

Dear Parents,

Happy Easter. We are so happy that SAT testing is over. Everybody worked hard and did their best! Since we had testing in the morning, our afternoons were low key without heavy academics. There is no Friday Folder this week since we didn't do work to put in it:)

We had so much fun at our egg hunt and party. Thanks to everyone for sending items in to make this a special time.

Your child is bringing home a Resurrection Book today. This is a very special book that can help them retell the story of Jesus the week of his Crucifixion and Resurrection. Please take some time this weekend to let them read and retell this life-changing story to you. Again, if you don't have a regular place of worship, come join me at Bridgepoint. We are located on the corner of Tyrone Blvd, and 9th Ave. There is an egg hunt at 10:00 and service begins at 10:45. I will be the Kids Church leader! I hope some of you will be able to make it!

Here are some upcoming dates and reminders:
*Muffins with Mom is coming up on Thursday, May from 8:15-9:00. If you are unable to make it, feel free to send a stand in (aunt, grandma, dad, grandpa or a good friend).
*Please send in a small flower pot with base (4 in.) by next Friday, April 29th.
*Friday, May 20th, we are combining Field Day with our reading reward of Pajama and Movie Day. Our class will be outside in the morning and come in to watch the movie in the afternoon!
*Thursday, May 26th will be our last day of school. We'll have an award ceremony in our classroom along with an end of the year breakfast. Can you believe that is coming so soon?!?

Our Star Student (last one of the year) will be Abigail.

The secret word is "forgiveness".

Have a Blessed Easter with your family,

Dawn Newland

Thursday, April 14, 2011

April 15 - Newsletter

Happy Friday! I want to thank everyone for your patience as I was away last Friday and Monday for the half-marathon. It was a great time with my family as we also had a surprise retirement party for my mom while I was up there. I know it was prayer that helped me finish the hilly Charlottesville route without walking (my goal). Again, thank you so much!
We've had a great week in first grade. We continued our reading unit called "Being Afraid", by reading a fun story called "Going on a Bear Hunt." We looked at the world like poets and wrote some fun pieces. In science we learned more about the sky. We made models of the moon with Mr. Fleming in science lab. We did some reviewing for the SAT test next week also.
Today was Measurement Madness! We had fun measuring everything in sight. We measured with yardsticks, measuring tape, rulers, scales, balance scales and measuring cups. It was a fun way to practice all that we've learned about measurement this year!
Remember, next week is SAT testing. Make sure your child does the following each day:
*get a good night's sleep
*eat a good breakfast
*be on time
*bring an extra (simple and easy to eat) snack
There will be no Bible verse, spelling test, or homework next week.

Our Easter Party will be Thursday. Thanks to everyone for signing up to send something in! We will need a few parents to hide eggs around 1:45 so let me know if you're available. Send a basket or bag for the Easter Egg Hunt. Also, if you haven't yet, send in 12 plastic, filled eggs...Thank you!

I would love to invite your family to come to my church, Bridgepoint, this Sunday and Easter Sunday if you don't already have one. I will be teaching in Kids Church both Sundays. We are located at the corner of Tyrone Blvd. and 9th Ave. in St. Petersburg. The services start at 10:30. I'd love to see you!

The secret word is "bunny."

Have a wonderful weekend!

Dawn Newland

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Newsletter - April 7, 2011

Dear Parents, We had a great week back after a fun filled-Spring Break! We started a new unit in reading called, "Being Afraid". We read a fun story called, "My Brother is Afraid of Just About Everything." We wrote rhyming poems about things people are afraid of. Many of us were afraid of writing poetry, but everyone ended up doing a great job! In science, we started a unit about the sky. Mr. Fleming did a fun experiment with clouds in the lab! Well, believe it or not, the end of the year is fast approaching. We have lots of things to look forward to. Here is a list of upcoming dates and volunteer opportunities! *Thursday, April 14th - Early Start to SAT testing. (We will do two sub-tests that day. Please make every effort to be here and on time.) *Monday, April 18-Thursday, April 21st - SAT testing. Be sure to be on time. If your child is not present when testing begins, they will have to wait in the office until that test is finished. *Friday, April 15th 9-10:30 - Measurement Madness (We need 3 parent volunteers to lead fun measurement activites!) *Thursday, April 21st 1:45-2:45 - Easter Party/Egg Hunt - Each child should send 12 plastic filled eggs for the hunt (no chocolate please). We'll need a few parents to hide eggs at 1:45. *Thursday, May 5th 8:15-9:00 - Muffins with Mom - Come let us celebrate you before you go to work:) *Thursday, May 26th - Last day of school - End of the Year Breakfast and 1st Grade Awards. I am heading to Virginia Friday morning to run a half-marathon with my sister on Saturday. Your sweet children will be in good hands while I'm gone. Have a great weekend! Our Star Student will be Caitlyn! The secret number is "13.1" Dawn Newland