Thursday, August 19, 2010

Newsletter for August 20, 2010

We had a wonderful start to our first grade year! We spent most of this week learning how to be a first grader. We wrote rules, made jobs, and practiced all of our daily routines. I also spent time finding out what your child already knows. I assessed them in reading fluency, sight words, and writing. Next week we'll form reading groups and the following week volunteers can start coming in!
Thanks so much to everyone who has sent in items from my Wish List!
We will start our official homework schedule after Open House. Today you'll find a math homework page (this is easy on purpose:) and an August reading log. Also posted today you'll find our first Bible memory verse. We'll have a test on Thursday! We won't start spelling tests for about 6 weeks so there's one less thing:). On Monday, your child will bring home his/her black Daily Work Folder (DWF). This folder will come home Monday-Thursday with papers completed in class. Please take time to look through them and if you notice a lot of errors, review that concept with your child. You will notice the math facts on the left side of the folder and a homework schedule on the right. We will discuss those at Open House.
Here are just a few notes and reminders:
*Be sure to have your childs name tag in your car windshield when you pick them up in car line.
*The cafeteria is very cold - you may want to send a sweater in the back pack each day.
*Send a snack and a water bottle every day.
*Please email me ( or call me (727-384-8183) if you have any questions or concerns.

Our class theme is the Fingerprints of God. We talked about how God made us all very different from each other on purpose. Our diffrences are what make us special!

Write this secret word in your child's agenda next to Monday's date and he/she will recieve FIVE chips!
Secret Word..."fingerprint"

Have a great weekend!

Dawn Newland

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