Friday, September 24, 2010

September 24th, 2010 - Newsletter

Dear Parents,
Happy Fall! Exciting things are happening in first grade. We are becoming better readers and writers every day! This week in Writer's Workshop we focused on sharing our three middle sentences with our partner before we write our paragraph. Today in the Friday Folder you'll find the "Oreo Stories". Remember, a great story is like and Oreo cookie. It has a beginning and an end, but the middle is the best part. Many students understand this concept and we are moving toward great paragraphs! In reading and science we learned about what different animals eat. We know about herbivores and carnivores. We of course are omnivores because we like everything! In Bible we continued with Noah's story. It must have been hard to stay on that stinky Ark for almost a year, but Noah obeyed God. God rescued Noah and his whole family!

Here are some important updates and reminders:
*Our field trip to the Science Center is Wednesday, October 6. We will leave the school at about 8:45 and return around 10:45. Remember to pack a lunch for your child that day and have them wear a red shirt. If you'd like to come with us, please let me know in your child's agenda.
*Animal Day is next Friday, October 1st! Your child can come to school dressed like an animal that day. Please send your food item in by Thursday afternoon.
*There is no chapel next Friday, 10/1 because of the special Hispanic Heritage chapel on Wed.
*Please try to have your child in his/her seat by 8:10 when the pledges start:)
*SAVE THIS DATE - Friday, October 29th is First Grade Fall Fun Day! This is one of the highlights of first grade. If you can't take any other day off this semester, take this one. We will have a planning meeting to prepare for this fun day in a couple of weeks.
*In case you didn't receive my email...the cricket that came home with your child is an experiment given by Mr. Fleming in Science Lab. The children are to put different foods in the container one at a time. Then they are to observe if the cricket "liked" that food. They should write the response in the journal that came in the DWF. Please send these journals back next Thursday.
*I hope some of you will be able to come help with Hispanic Heritage Day next Wednesday. It is a great day for the kids! If you want to send something in you can send cookies or dessert that the kids will like.
****Our first spelling list is coming home in the Friday Folder today. It has a page to help your child study. We will review the words in school, but please study them at home to be ready for our first test next Thursday, Sept. 30th!

Our Star Student will be Clinton!

Our secret word is "cricket".

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Newland

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Fun with First Grade Friends!

Clinton's Birthday - Wednesday!

All Kinds of Animals!

Fun with Animals

Emma and Oreos

In Writing this week we learned that a great story is like an Oreo cookie. It has a beginning and an end, but the middle is the best part!


2 Oreos!

Abbie's Oreo Story

Wish List

Walgreens gift card to pay for photo developing
glue sticks
Crayola stamp markers

September 17, 2010 Newsletter

Dear Parents,
Happy Friday! Did you feel the hint of fall this week? We had a fabulous week in first grade! Our reading groups all moved up a! In writing we learned about how to write an "Oreo Story." A great story is like an Oreo cookie. It has a beginning and an end, but the middle is the best part. You will see these coming home next week. In reading and science we have been learning about animals. We read a class story about baby animals. In science today we learned about six types of animals. Then we looked through magazines and found those types to glue to our posters. Come see these hanging in our classroom! We have been learning about Noah in Bible. He obeyed God all the time, even when it was hard.

Here are a few updates and reminders:

*Our first field trip is officially scheduled for Wednesday, October 6th. We will leave school and head to the Science center at about 8:45. We'll return around 10:45. Our class will all wear red shirts that day (if your child doesn't have a red one, let me know and I will borrow one from the office). We will return after lunch has been served, so we will all have to bring a lunchbox that day. We'll eat outside when we return. Let me know if you'd like to join us. Don't worry if you can't, we'll have another field trip in November to Great Explorations.
*DATE CHANGE - Our Animal Day celebration will be Friday, October 1st instead of Thurs. the 30th. Your child should come to school that day dressed like an animal. Remember, costumes can be simple. This will be a fun opportunity for you and your child to get creative:). We will also eat lots of different foods that animals eat that day. Next Friday you will receive a request to send an item for us.
*There will be no chapel on Friday, Oct. 1st because we are having a special chapel that Wednesday as part of Hispanic Heritage week.
*Next week is Spiritual Emphasis Week in the middle and high school. They are doing a food drive to fill the currently empty food pantry at Northside Thrift. If you would like to donate some food, please send ramen noodles, peanut butter and jelly (plastic containers only) in any day next week.
*There are sign up sheets on our door. Mrs. Hernandez needs volunteers to help with Hispanic Heritage Day.

Our Star Student next week will be Skyler.

Our secret word is "mammal".

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Newland

Friday, September 10, 2010

September 10, 2010 Newsletter

Dear Parents,
We had a short but fun and busy week in first grade. In Bible we learned about how sad God was when sin came into the world and ruined his perfect creation. Next week we will learn about how Noah's family was spared from the consequence of that sin. We learned about graphing in math as we continue to review our other skills. Be sure to review the paper that comes home in the DWF if your child is struggling with any skill. We learned about saving Earth's natural resources by reducing, recycling and reusing. We reused a water bottle to make some cute piggy banks. In Science Lab with Mr. Fleming the children recycled old paper and made new paper...that is cool. The most exciting subject this week was writing! We completed the writing process and published one piece from our Author's Notebooks. You will find your child's graded writing in a packet in the Friday Folder. Please take a moment to read it with them and tell them how proud you are that they are now a published author! Come by our classroom and see their published work on our September bulletin board.

Here are some updates and reminders:
*Next week we will begin studying Animals in reading and science. We will have an Animal Day celebration at the end of the unit. On Thursday, September 30th we will all come to school dressed as an animal and we will eat all kinds of food that people and animals eat! The costumes should just be simple things that you can put together at home. Please don't spend a lot of money. I will send notes home asking everyone to send in one food item. This will be a fun way to celebrate our learning!
*Just a friendly reminder that your child should be wearing uniform shorts/skirts each Monday through Thursday. On Friday they can wear either jeans or uniform bottoms (no other types of bottoms are permitted)
*The Auction items you signed up for can be sent in at any time.
*Our first field trip this year will be to the Science Center to study animals and physics (our next two reading/science topics). I am just waiting for confirmation. It will be either the 2nd or 3rd Wednesday in October. I will post it on the website the minute I find out. Hopefully by the middle of next week.
*Be sure to click on "Older Posts" to see all of our pictures from this week...cute!

Our next Star Student will be Emma!

The secret words are "piggy bank".

Have a Wonderful Weekend!

Dawn Newland

Wish List - 9-10

magazines with animal pictures (for a project next Friday)
cheap foam stickers
water bottles
used flat screen monitor (just one more:)
Spot Shot (carpet cleaner from Walmart or Sam's)
Crayola stamp markers (they have assorted shapes on the bottom to stamp with)
Walgreens gift card or volunteer to develop August pictures for the memory books

Super Writer!

On Thursday we copied our stories in our best handwriting in preparation for our Publishing Party on Friday!

Ready to Illustrate

Working Hard!

Doing My Best!

I'm Good At This!

Cute Piggy

We've been studying ways to take care of the natural resources that God has given us. One way we discovered is reusing something for another purpose. We turned these trashbound water bottles into precious Piggy Banks!

Precious Piggybank

London's Piggybank

Everybody With Their Piggys

Silly Pose

Silent Reading

Every day we stop whatever else we're doing and just read.


We all find a spot and read, read, read!