Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Dear Parents,
It was wonderful the way our class came together as a family to make Thanksgiving on the Lawn such a special day. The kids were adorable and I loved the opportunity to talk with families all together.

Just a couple announcements:
*We will be Christmas Caroling at Palm Garden Nursing Home in Largo on December 10th. We may do lunch at McDonald's on the way back if there are enough adults present to make it safe. Let me know if you'd like to join us!
*December 10th is also the day of our class chapel. It will be from 8:15-9:00 if you can make it.

I hope your family has a restful and blessed time together next week.

Our Star Student will be Jacob!
Our secret word is "Thankful".

Have a great week!
Dawn Newland

Friday, November 12, 2010

Great Explorations!

Newsletter 11-12

Dear Parents,
Happy Friday! Can you believe it's almost Thanksgiving? We had a busy week in first grade. We finished up our unit on Community Helpers. Our field trip to Great Explorations was a fun way to close it out. We got to see all kinds of jobs in our community. I think the highlight was the dancing though. We've got some kids with "moves" in this room:). In writing we worked with our partners to help our stories be even better. Today we started working on a fun Thanksgiving craft. You'll get to bring it home on Thursday...cute!
Today in chapel, Pastor Kroll talked about how hard the Pilgrims had it the first few years in a new land. For a whole winter each person had a ration of 5 pieces of corn for the whole day. After that it became a tradition for families to put 5 pieces of corn on the table for Thanksgiving dinner and for each member of the family to hold up each piece and tell what they are thankful for. Your child is bringing home a bag of 5 pieces of corn today. Maybe your family can start a new tradition!
Congratulations to our three spelling bee participants - Sydney, Breana, and London!

Here are some updates and reminders:
*The Book Fair is next week! We will preview (just look and bring home a "wish list") on Mondady. Our official shopping day is Wednesday. If you'd like to take your child in yourself on a different day, you are welcome to.
*Don't forget to send in your items for our Operation Christmas Child boxes. We are hoping to assemble 2 boxes from each child on Thursday after Thanksgiving on the Lawn.

Our Star Student is Carson!

Our Secret Word is turkey.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Dawn Newland

Wish List 11-12

glue sticks
water bottles
Thanksgiving Movie (to borrow)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Community Helpers Talk to Us!

Jacob's grandpa came in told us about using 911 the right way!

Master Melody talked to us about having a "Yes I Can!" attitude and how to get rid of "stinkinthinkin!"

Newsletter - November 5, 2010

Dear Parents,

It finally feels like fall! We had a great week here in first grade. All students are making amazing progress in reading fluency. We keep moving up to harder levels every week! Everyone is reading with such confidence. We had so much fun in Writer's Workshop. We wrote stories about things we are thankful for. Then on Thursday, Mrs. Corsino's 2nd grade class came in and buddy revised and edited our stories with us. You'll see these on our November bulletin board. The rough draft will come home graded in next week's Friday Folder. This was a great expereience for both classes!
On Wednesday Master Melody from "On the Mat" martial arts studio came to talk to the children as part of our Community Helpers unit. She talked to the kids about having a "Yes I Can" attitude and getting rid of "Stinkinthinkin." I hope you hear all about it. There is a flyer in the Friday Folder. If you were thinking about getting your child involved in the martial arts, this would be a great place!
Today Mr. Freeman (Jacob's grandpa) came in and talked about his job as a 911 manager. The kids learned a lot of new things and had some good questions for him. He gave them all kinds of goodies-a coloring book and a hard back story book, as well as some important handouts.
We also made our community helper projects today. It was amazing to see the kids use their imaginations to take regular boxes and turn them into workplaces. Take a minute this weekend and have your child explain all the things they put into his/her project.
A few updates and reminders:
*Our field trip to Great Explorations is this Thursday, November 11th. We will eat an early lunch a little before ten. We'll wear red shirts and leave school at about 10:30. While we're there we'll get to visit lots of places that are an important part of our community like Publix, the firestation, a bakery, and lots more. Remember to send an extra big snack for the afternoon!
*Today more information is coming home about our Operation Christmas Child boxes. You'll find a page with your child's item to bring in. Please let me know if it is a hardship to send in so many items. I know there is a lot going on this time of year.

Our Star Student is Sydnie!

Our Secret Words Are: "Yes I Can!"

Have a wonderful weekend!

Dawn Newland

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Spanish Fun!

Every Wednesday some Spanish 3 students come over and review basic Spanish vocabulary as well as play games with the children.