Friday, November 12, 2010

Newsletter 11-12

Dear Parents,
Happy Friday! Can you believe it's almost Thanksgiving? We had a busy week in first grade. We finished up our unit on Community Helpers. Our field trip to Great Explorations was a fun way to close it out. We got to see all kinds of jobs in our community. I think the highlight was the dancing though. We've got some kids with "moves" in this room:). In writing we worked with our partners to help our stories be even better. Today we started working on a fun Thanksgiving craft. You'll get to bring it home on Thursday...cute!
Today in chapel, Pastor Kroll talked about how hard the Pilgrims had it the first few years in a new land. For a whole winter each person had a ration of 5 pieces of corn for the whole day. After that it became a tradition for families to put 5 pieces of corn on the table for Thanksgiving dinner and for each member of the family to hold up each piece and tell what they are thankful for. Your child is bringing home a bag of 5 pieces of corn today. Maybe your family can start a new tradition!
Congratulations to our three spelling bee participants - Sydney, Breana, and London!

Here are some updates and reminders:
*The Book Fair is next week! We will preview (just look and bring home a "wish list") on Mondady. Our official shopping day is Wednesday. If you'd like to take your child in yourself on a different day, you are welcome to.
*Don't forget to send in your items for our Operation Christmas Child boxes. We are hoping to assemble 2 boxes from each child on Thursday after Thanksgiving on the Lawn.

Our Star Student is Carson!

Our Secret Word is turkey.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Dawn Newland

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