Friday, March 18, 2011

March 18, 2011 - Newsletter

Dear Parents,
We had another wonderful week full of learning in first grade. We used the skills we learned in our last writing unit to publish one of our stories. Each child chose a piece from his/her Author's Notebook. Then they revised and edited it. After teacher editing, each child made a picture book that will be placed in our classroom library. After all, as one of our classmates said, "That's why authors write books-for people to read them."
In math we continued to build on skills we've learned throughout the year. If your child brings a math paper home with things circled, be sure to review those concepts at home. Today in store almost everyone was able to count his/her own money.
We learned about the life cycle of a plant in science today.
St. Patrick's Day was so fun. We learned a lot of things about the life of St. Patrick. Did you know that he was actually born in England? Your child knows many things and did a great job writing about what he/she learned. We ate green cookies and drank green juice. Like many American holidays, the roots are in Christianity and the secular world changed it.

Important Notes and Reminders:
*There is a ruler in your child's Friday Folder to use for the math homework. (Just in case you don't have one at home:)
*Be sure to check the "Lost and Found" by the gym doors. There is a lot of stuff and it will be donated to Thrift over spring break.
*Please be sure your child comes to school on time each day. Several children have been coming late and it makes it difficult to have a smooth start to our day. We start at 8:10.

Our Star Student will be Carson!

Our secret word is "seedling".

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