Dear Parents,
Happy New Year! We are half way to being second graders in this room and I'm starting to see that more and more every day. This week we started a new reading and social studies unit called "Journeys". We will be focusing on map skills like keys, symbols, directions and more. Today we are making a Treasure Map for Mrs. Fleming's class to follow and they are making one for! In writing, we wrote piggyback paragraphs about what we would do if it snowed at our house. Most of our class can write a paragraph with a beginning, middle (with supporting detail sentences), and an ending. We get a little better every week. In math we've been focusing on liquid measurement. We know how many cups are in pint, how many pints in a quart, and how many quarts in a gallon.
In Bible time this week we had a very special visitor. Rueben (Joseph's brother) came to tell us the story of Joseph's forgiveness for his family. He followed God's example. He forgave their sin and forgot about it. He never brought it up again. That's hard for us to do sometimes, but we are going to try.
Check out the article in Gulf Coast Family newspaper. Our class is famous!
Starting next week we are going to switch from using chips for positive reinforcement to plastic money. In the past first grade has always had a "store" that the kids shop in every other Friday. For the store to be successful, we need parents to send in items that the kids would like to buy with their earned money. We set the items up by price and the students have to be able to count their money before they can spend it. Our first "Store" will be Friday, January 21st. It would be great if each child could donate a few items from the dollar section before then.
Here are some upcoming events and reminders:
*Each child needs new markers and crayons.
*Thursday, January 27th is the 100th Day of School. There will be a sign up sheet on the door next week...thanks!
*Our First Grade Famous American Wax Museum will be on Thursday, February 3rd from about 8:20 to 9:00. Next week your child will find out who their Famous American will be. Each child will research his/her person, write a report, and then dress up like their person on the day of the wax museum. It is a wonderful and memorable day for everyone. I hope you can come. There will be lots more details in next Friday's Folder.
*Our classroom is in need of a few items: water bottles, boxes of Cheerios for snack, Clorox wipes, 3X5 note cards, and extra markers. We could also use some containers that hold a gallon, a quart, a pint and a cup of liquid. Already used and washed items are best.
Our Star Student will be London!
Our Secret Word is "compass".
Have a wonderful weekend!
Dawn Newland
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