Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Newsletter for January 27, 2011

Dear Parents,

You often hear about the "light coming on" for first graders after Christmas. We are certainly bright in our classroom. Everyday I see students taking ownership of the skills we've been learning all year. Here is a picture of our week.

Reading-We started a new reading unit called "Keep Trying" that goes along with our social studies unit on Famous Americans. We've focused on reading strategies like predicting, summarizing and finding the cause and effect in a story. We have added our last poem to our poetry books. Now we'll use them for review and fun reading.

Math-We've continued reviewing time, measurement, money, fractions, missing addends, ordered numbers, fact families and bar graphing. We introduced double digit addition without regrouping too. Remember to keep practicing money counting at home. There is a great game on Mrs. Whipple's website too!

Writing-In writing this week we focused on revision of our stories. We learned that you should reread your story and play back a movie in your mind of that day. Then you can add more details to your story. Our high school buddies came on Wednesday to help us apply this skill.

Bible-We started our week with Pastor Hoff coming in to talk to us about temptation. We learned that temptation is the "invitation to do the wrong thing". The temptation is not the sin. The sin is when we give into it. We discussed lots of different ways we can be tempted and how we can use God's word to help us stand up to it. I hope you can take some time to continue this discussion with your child.

Here are a few updates and reminders:

*Please send $5 in on Monday (1/31)to cover the cost of our upcoming field trip to The Little Theatre.

*Your child's Famous American Report is due Tuesday (2/1). Please be sure that it is written in his/her very best handwriting with complete sentences. Also, have him/her take time to color the flag neatly. They will be on display at the Wax Museum.

*The First Grade Famous American Wax Museum is next Thursday, February 3rd. Our doors will open around 8:15. It is very important that your child be on time so he/she can get set before we open the doors. I hope to see you there!

*There is a Valentine's Party Sign Up on our door. Thanks for being so great and meeting all of our party needs:)! Also, there is a copy of the class list in the Friday Folder to use for making Valentines for the class. Our Party will be on February 14th at the end of the day.

As I'm typing this Thursday afternoon, I'm not feeling well. I am taking a sick day tomorrow. I will send missing items from the Friday Folder home next week and also update the rest of the website. Thanks for your patience.

Our Star Student will be Clinton!

Our secret word is Wilbur Wright.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Dawn Newland

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