Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Newsletter - February 16, 2011

Dear Parents,
We've had a short, but full week here in first grade. We learned about the wise man and the foolish man in Bible. We know that we need to build our lives on the Rock - Jesus. Then when storms come in our lives, we will be able to stand. We continued our science unit on plants and watched our bean plants grow about six inches over the weekend. All they needed was a little sunshine! In math we've been focusing on reading and making different types of graphs.

Here are a few updates and reminders:
*No school Friday or Monday for students.
*Tuesday is our field trip to the Little Theatre to see "Turtle's Shell". Send or buy a regular lunch. Dress your student in a RED uniform shirt please.
*Wednesday London and Sydnie will represent our class at the Spelling Bee! I am one of the proctors being sent from our school so Mrs. Greenleaf will be with the rest of the class.
*Note the change of date for the last day of the quarter. It is March 4th insead of the 11th. We will have a half day on March 4th...not the 11th.
*Grandparents Day is Thursday, February 24th. Your child's grandparent should have recieved an invitation in the mail. If they haven't, please let me know so we can get one to them. Please let me know on Tuesday how many grandparents will be staying for lunch so we can have an accurate count. (The secret word this week is "grandparents".) It will be a great day!
*I would love, love, love to have some parents to sit at my table at the Bobby Bowden event next Friday the 25th. Think of your poor teacher sitting at that big table all by herself:). I would love the chance to share a meal with you and get to know your family a little better while we show support for our school. Know that there is no pressure to give beyond coming that night. We just want to show a strong support of our school! Let me know if you can come!

Our Star Student is Kiersten

Our Secret word is hidden in the words above:)

Have a wonderful long weekend!

Dawn Newland

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