Friday, October 29, 2010

First Grade Fall Fun Day!

Newsletter 10/29

Dear Parents,

What a wonderful way to end our week with First Grade Fall Fun Day. It is always one of the favorite activities in first grade, mostly because so many moms and dads come to make it special! From Face Painting to Apple Biting to the Obstacle Course to the 3-legged race to the Hay Hunt...they love every minute of it! Thanks to everyone who donated items and worked so hard to make this day a success!

Here are a few notes and reminders:

*Our field trip to Great Explorations will be on Thursday, November 11th. Please send in $8.00 to cover the cost of the trip by 11/3. Let me know in your child's agenda sometime if you will be joining us.
*This Thursday, November 4th is our Winter Wonderland Auction for the kids. If you haven't had a chance, come look at our class plate that will be auctioned off in the silent auction. It's on our back counter. It is so cute...more than one mommy has been brought to tears.

*We kicked off Operation Christmas Child in chapel today. This is an amazing opportunity to teach our children that there are so many less fortunate than we are. Our class goal is to have two boxes from each child. I will send home a list in next Friday's folder of the items you can send in for our boxes. If it is a hardship for your family at this time, I certainly understand. Just let me know and I will find another way to get those items.

This week in Bible we talked about how hard it is to obey sometimes. We listened to stories and acted out some difficult situations for first graders. We learned that we can obey our parents, teachers. and God even when it is hard. It would be great for you to follow up on this discussion at home this weekend! I love your children. We work hard and have so much fun together every day!

Our Star Student is Breana!

Our Secret Word is "Hay".

Have a wonderful Weekend!

Dawn Newland

Friday, October 22, 2010

Pep Rally/Spirit Day!

Tacky/Clash Day!

October 22, 2010 - Newlsletter

Dear Parents,

Homecoming Week was so much fun. The kids had a great time dressing up and they all looked so cute in their outfits. We did manage to go on with learning this week:). In writing we started a new unit. So far we've focused on ways to make our writing easier to read for others. We finished up our Things that Go unit in reading and our Science unit on Energy and Motion. In Bible we learned about Abraham and Sarah's miracle baby, Isaac, whose name means "laughter." Can you help your child find out what his/her name means?

We are going to have a lot of fun today starting out with our all school Pep Rally. Then our senior cheerleader, Abbie, will come to our room. We are going to do some learning centers today to apply lots of things we've been learning in class.

Next week we will start a social studies unit on Community Helpers (Careers). If you or a family member have a job that benefits our community and you'd like to come in and tell the class about it, that would be great! I can be flexible with times. Let me know a few good times and we'll schedule it. It's so good for our kids to see other people teaching in our classroom!

Here are a few notes and reminders:

*Scholastic Book orders are due Wednesday, 10/27. There are some great books at low prices. The kids have so much fun the day the books come in! Makes checks payable to "Scholastic"...Thanks!
*10/29 - Next Friday is First Grade Fall Fun Day. Almost everything is in place to make this a fantastic day for the kids. Pray that is not the day God sends the rain we need so badly. Remember kids can dress like a scarecrow or a pumpkin. If you volunteered to come that day, please arrive around 8:45 to help set up. The kids will be done with chapel, organize in the classrooms and be ready to start at 9:15. I will tell you where to go that morning. If you can, please send in one bag of non chocolate candy for the hay hunt! See you there!
*11/11 - Great Explorations Field Trip! We will be extending our Community Helper unit by visiting this fun museum. We'll wear Red shirts and leave the school at 10:30. We'll arrive back around 2:00. We'll eat lunch before we go and a big snack when we get back. Please send in $8.00 to cover the cost by Wednesday, Nov. 3rd. Parents are welcome and will need to pay $7.00 at the door that day.
*The big Auction is coming soon. I hope to see everyone Thursday night the 4th of November!

Our Star Student is Jasmine!

Our Secret Word is "Mustangs."

Have a wonderful weekend!

Dawn Newland

Monday, October 18, 2010

Tuesday is Crazy Hat and SOCKS Day!

In the newsletter it just says Crazy Hat Day, but your socks can be crazy too!