Friday, October 1, 2010

Newsletter - October 1, 2010

Happy October! What an exciting week in first grade! In Bible we finished our unit on the life of Noah. We focused on God's covenant with him and how God keeps his promises. We took our first spelling test and everyone did a great job! Please continue to study the spelling list each week. We will practice at school, but a little extra at home will help. Hispanic Heritage Day was a huge success. The kids learned a lot (even the moms learned some things:) Mrs. Hernandez did an amazing job! We finished up our Animal units in reading and science. We learned about the life cycles of all different animals, including ourselves. Our week is ending with Animal Day! The kids have been excited all week. Most of them have kept their animal a secret so I can't wait for them to get here so I can see all of their costumes. We'll be doing all kinds of animal related activities in math, writing, reading, and of course science. By the end of the day there will be some super-cute pictures I'm sure! Between 12-1 we'll have our food activity. We'll be eating all kinds of food that animals eat. Did you know that animals eat pretty healthy?

Here are some updates and reminders:

*If you still have an item to send in for our Lego basket for the auction, please send it on Monday. I'm turning everything in. Thank you so much to everyone for your generous donations!
*Our field trip to the Science Center is this Wednesday. We will wear blue shirts and leave the school around 8:45. We'll study animals and physics while we're there. I have a few chaperones already, but anyone is welcome. You are welcome to ride the bus with us or you can meet us there at 9:00. If you find out last minute that you can come, meet us there at 9. You may need to pay at the desk. Since we will be getting back around 11, the cafeteria ladies said that they could actually hold the Chickfila lunches and bring them over to us. If you would like, you can order hot lunch that day.
*If you haven't send in $5 for the field trip, please send it Monday.
*First Grade Fall Fun Day is one of the best and most memorable days in first grade. There will be a planning meeting in my classroom next Thursday, October 7th at 3:20. If you can come...great. If not, I'll let you know how you can help make this a great day for our kids!
*If your little girl wears skirts, please make sure they wear shorts underneath. We spend a lot of time "criss cross applesauce" on the carpet:).

Our next Star Student is Emily!

The secret word is flamingo.

On a personal note, I am running in the Race for the Cure this Saturday on "Team Tannehill". If you don't know Debbie Tannehill I wish you did. She has been in a long fight with breast cancer and her doctors have decided to stop treatment. Her three children have been here at Northside for years, one in my daughter's class, one in my son's class, and I taught the youngest. If you would like to show support for this sweet family in this difficult time, you can get a gift certificate to a place like Subway, Publix, or Chickfila. We are trying to provide all their meals for the month of October. Please pray!

Have a great weekend!

Dawn Newland

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